Groupe Up

A strategic partnership with great potential. givve® is a company of the French Group Up cooperative.

Logo Groupe Up

We are Up!

givve® started as a fintech startup with 3 founders. Since then we have continuously developed. In 2018 we became part of the French Groupe Up cooperative. By the acquisition givve® became shareholder of the international company. In this context we are given more opportunities to further develop the innovative technologies of our fintech in the area of financial services than we had before. Groupe Up has strengthened its market position in Germany by the acquisition. 

"We are committed to social progress, we believe in collective development and work to converge the interests of every individual, for a simpler life and a more just society. To make every day better. "

Up Groupe Website 

Groupe Up - Making every day better

Among other services Groupe Up offers loyalty and incentive programs as well as payment solutions. Up was one of the first to offer meal vouchers. Nowadays Up is dominating the international market for food subsidy services along with two other suppliers. The parent company of Groupe Up is a cooperative.

Million users

Innovation & Digitalization

The integration into Groupe Up provides givve® the opportunity to further develop, to build up an international presence and offer a broader range of services. givve® is pioneer in our market sector concerning machine learning and automated payment processing. Our in-house developed technology includes among other features automated payment-auction-matching processes, that save employee capacities in terms of payment processing. 

Group Up Mood Image
Group Up Einsatzbereiche

Field of activity

Up connects people, companies and regions throughout the development of platforms for management, relationship and transaction. Up develops integrated solutions to meet the needs of different partners, clients and customers. Due to multiple innovative solutions Up facilitates the access to alimentation, culture, leisure, education, house support, social assistance and expense management services as well as to bonus- and loyalty programs worldwide.

5 programs for societal responsibility

Partnership Partnership symbol


The Unique governance model of Up is implemented on the overall cooperative group in the different countries.

Learning curve Learning curve symbol


The program for economic development generates continuous and sustainable growth throughout innovation.

Personalized Personalized symbol


The program for social issues makes every employee an actor to a collective ambition.

Innovation Innovation symbol


The aim of the societal program is to inspire, to create a bond and to give everyone the power to act.

Preserve Preserve symbol


Throughout the preservation program Up engages an ambitious environmental policy.

The cooperative group

Up is an independent group, whose parent company is a cooperative and participative corporation. This cooperative business form ensures the independence of all shareholders. The products and services of Up are not only economical successful but also fair regarding societal issues. This business model enables a balanced and trusted relationship with and among all shareholders. The corporate development of Up connects the dimensions economy, social issues and environment in a natural manner. 

Group Up Genossenschaft